BYF any gendered terms (dude, girl, bro etc) are fine for me. i like to focus on positive stuff and avoid discourse (they tire me) so if you start an argument in my mentions I'll simply move on. I also don't care about actors, or celeb dramas. I also love reading fics, and i will rt a lot of fanarts because we love supporting artists here. I also write! I may also change main fandoms out of nowhere, sorry I can't control it.

Disclaimer my accounts are mostly sfw (otherwise i put a nsfw content warning). likes may not be, so please be mindful of that when following me. I may not follow you back if you're under 18.
DNI: basic dni list. if you bring shipping discourse in my tl/mentions, I will block on sight.

Ships I'm willing to write for

jayvik • caitvi
ace attorney
narumitsu • franmaya • faraskye • klapollo • klavquill • langworth • junithena

My faves are highlighted <3

susahao • asoryuu • ghoulstrade
good omens
aziracrow/ineffable spouses and that's it


kingdom hearts
soriku • rokuriku • leaisa/akusai • namixi •
stevetony • rhodeytony • tonyjan • nebulamantis • valcarol • buckynat • sambucky



other interests !
the owl house • ducktales • FF7 • comics (more specifically marvel, but occasionally DC as well) • stardew valley • spy x family • vocaloid • pokémon • steven universe • the sandman

my little stars !• lou • yas • moony • lilli • mari • jess • kin • tina • abi • ortie • laina • max • anne • steffi • eliza • dee • gaby